Wise Announces Major Milestones: PayNow Integration and Singapore Team Expansion

Trending 4 months ago

Wise, a world online money transportation service, has integrated pinch Singapore’s PayNow web to let visitors to make QR payments to section merchants straight via its app.

This move is peculiarly beneficial for section businesses specified arsenic hawkers, which traditionally do not judge paper payments.

This integration signifies Singapore arsenic nan inaugural state wherever Wise has connected pinch 2 section costs systems, building connected its erstwhile integration pinch nan FAST strategy successful 2022.

In a broader location description , Wise Platform has initiated collaborations pinch Hong Kong’s Mox to connection simplified world costs solutions. Additionally, Tiger Brokers has expanded its business pinch Wise, introducing debit cards for their Singaporean customers.

Amidst these advancements, Wise has besides announced nan description of its Singapore agency and respective activity appointments. The description has doubled nan worker count to 450 astatine its APAC hub located successful Paya Lebar Quarter, now covering 23,000 quadrate feet.

The activity squad successful Singapore now includes Shrawan (SK) Saraogi arsenic nan APAC Head of Expansion & Singapore Country Manager, Mike Truong will service arsenic nan APAC Product Director, Erin Smith takes connected nan domiciled of Product Director for Global Spend, Ser-Jin Lee has been named nan APAC Compliance Director, and Samarth Bansal is nan caller APAC General Manager for nan Wise Platform.

Wise has seen a 26% year-on-year maturation successful its customer guidelines successful Singapore, prompting nan description of its section merchandise and engineering squad by complete a 3rd since 2022. The patient has issued complete 4 cardinal individual and business cards crossed 42 countries.

Isabel Naidoo

Isabel Naidoo

Isabel Naidoo, Chief People Officer, Wise said,

“Wise has grown importantly successful Singapore from erstwhile we first entered 8 years ago, to now becoming our ever-growing hub for nan Asia Pacific region. Singapore’s position arsenic a world hub for fintech invention and entree to a divers talent excavation makes nan metropolis a cleanable location for our growth.

I’m thrilled to invited SK, Mike, Erin, Ser-Jin and Samarth onboard Wise arsenic we deepen our committedness and footprint successful Singapore and proceed expanding crossed APAC. All of them bring rich | experiences that will thief america present connected our ngo of building nan champion measurement to move and negociate nan world’s money.”

Featured image: (Top near to right) Smrithi Ravi, Erin Smith, Heather Ong, Mike Truong, Ser-Jin Lee, Elyza Telog. (Bottom near to right) Isabel Audrey Lim, Surendra Chaplot, Samarth Bansal, Shrawan (SK) Saraogi, Amelia Bones

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