Taylor Swift could get to the Super Bowl from Tokyo in time, but she might not be able to find parking for her private jet

Trending 5 months ago

If Taylor Swift is jetting from her upcoming Tokyo performance to Las Vegas to see boyfriend Travis Kelce play successful nan Super Bowl nan adjacent day, she’d amended already person a spot to parkland her plane.

Places to time off backstage craft astatine airports successful and astir Las Vegas person been spoken for, airdrome and Federal Aviation Administration officials said Thursday. Just complete a week remains earlier nan Kansas City Chiefs and nan San Francisco 49ers look disconnected successful nan NFL title game.

The 4 airports instantly astir Las Vegas person astir 475 parking spaces combined, said Heidi Hayes, a spokesperson for nan Clark County Department of Aviation.

“Oh, they’re full,” said Rick Breitenfeldt, FAA spokesperson for his sixth Super Bowl.

Not nan first time

Las Vegas-area airports besides reached capacity for backstage planes during nan inaugural Formula 1 Las Vegas Grand Prix car title successful November, Hayes said.

Clark County handles Harry Reid International, 1 of nan busiest rider airports successful nan U.S., on pinch engaged wide aviation airports successful suburban North Las Vegas and Henderson. Hayes besides checked Boulder City Municipal Airport, astir 24 miles (39 kilometers) eastbound of Las Vegas.

Air postulation is expected to beryllium heavy. Commercial airlines person added flights and nan Las Vegas airdrome reported Wednesday it handled a record 57.6 cardinal passengers successful 2023. That’s an mean of astir 160,000 group per day.

Could Swift make it to nan game?

The past of 4 scheduled Tokyo shows of Swift’s Eras Tour is connected Feb. 10. Due to clip area differences, if she flies retired astatine midnight, it will beryllium 7 a.m. Saturday successful Las Vegas.

A spokesperson for Swift didn’t respond Thursday to questions astir whether Swift plans to be nan Super Bowl, has made recreation arrangements, aliases wherever her pilots could parkland a plane.

Swift has much than 1 backstage jet, including a Dassault Falcon 900 that tin typically spot astatine slightest 12 group and alert astatine up to 590 mph (950 kph).

Barring delays, if Swift’s formation to Las Vegas takes 11 aliases 12 hours, she could get successful Las Vegas nan time earlier nan game after crossing 9 clip zones and nan world day line.

Why is craft parking truthful scarce?

There aren’t arsenic galore airports astir Las Vegas arsenic location are astir Glendale, Arizona, wherever the Super Bowl was played last year. The WM Phoenix Open golf tourney besides was played during Super Bowl week successful 2023. Breitenfeldt astatine nan FAA said each 1,100 craft parking pads successful nan Phoenix area were claimed.

The NFL doesn’t grip craft reservations, convention spokesperson Brian McCarthy said, but it does coordinate pinch nan FAA, National Business Aviation Association, big metropolis airdrome authorities and commercialized backstage craft work companies during Super Bowl events. McCarthy said nan convention doesn’t remark connected individual requests.

McCarthy noted that players and fans of nan Saudi-funded LIV Golf league also will beryllium successful Las Vegas for a tourney connected Thursday, Friday and Saturday astatine Las Vegas Country Club earlier nan shot crippled Sunday astatine nan 60,000-seat Allegiant Stadium.

Can planes parkland elsewhere?

There mightiness still beryllium slots disposable for what Hayes and Breitenfeldt termed “drop-and-go” flights. That’s wherever pilots time off passengers and past alert to different airdrome to park.

Airports wrong 100 miles (161 kilometers) of Las Vegas see Mesquite Municipal Airport successful Nevada and Laughlin-Bullhead International Airport successful Arizona. Jean Sport Aviation Center, an airstrip visible from Interstate 15 that has nary power tower, lies southbound of Las Vegas.

The closest ample California airports are Ontario International, San Bernardino International, Palm Springs International and Palmdale Regional, which are each little than 200 miles (322 kilometers) away.

Los Angeles International, John Wayne International adjacent Santa Ana, Long Beach International and Hollywood/Burbank airports are each wrong 250 miles (402 kilometers) from Las Vegas. Phoenix is astir 255 miles (410 kilometers).

What does it costs to park?

It mightiness beryllium cheaper for craft owners to parkland a multi-million dollar pitchy for nan Super Bowl than an automobile proprietor attending nan game, wherever spot tickets were trading astatine upwards of $8,000 apiece.

Hayes said craft parking fees during Super Bowl play astatine Harry Reid International were unchanged from nan modular rate. That’s $20 to $150 a day, depending connected nan size of nan plane.

Meanwhile, conscionable 1 MGM Resorts International casino adjacent nan stadium, Mandalay Bay, was still offering crippled time car shed parking reservations on Thursday, astatine $100. The company’s adjacent Luxor and Excalibur had thing available.

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