LinkAja Secures Investment from Mitsui

Trending 3 months ago

Indonesian e-wallet LinkAja has secured a strategical finance from Japanese trading location Mitsui & Co., Ltd. The financial specifications were not disclosed.

This marks nan first clip a world institution has invested successful LinkAja, aiming to heighten nan platform’s ecosystem and business strategy, particularly successful collaboration pinch its State-Owned Enterprises (SoE) shareholders.

The finance signifies nan investor’s volition to grow its integer finance business and foster strategical collaborations wrong nan ecosystems of LinkAja and Mitsui.

These collaborations are chiefly successful sectors specified arsenic Information & Communication Technology (ICT), retail, among others, pinch nan extremity of advancing economical and financial inclusion successful Indonesia.

LinkAja has precocious reported achieving affirmative EBITDA for 2 consecutive quarters by nan extremity of 2023.

Yogi Rizkian Bahar

Yogi Rizkian Bahar

“Mitsui has invested successful different industries successful Indonesia, truthful they person a ample and divers ecosystem. We judge that Mitsui strategical finance will beryllium mutually beneficial not only for some parties, but besides to nan customer, our stakeholders, arsenic good arsenic nan improvement of fintech manufacture successful Indonesia, The spot from world investor will additionally bolster investor trust, perchance attracting different finance interest.”

said Yogi Rizkian Bahar, Chief Executive Officer of LinkAja.

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