Homeland Security and FAA double down in Las Vegas to stop Super Bowl from becoming hub for knockoff sports gear, human trafficking and illegal drones

Trending 5 months ago

Amid warnings astir counterfeit goods, quality trafficking and forbidden drones astatine nan Super Bowl successful Las Vegas, federal, authorities and section information officials said Monday they’re preparing for a busy week successful nan air, astatine airports, astatine Allegiant Stadium and successful merchandise shops arsenic crowds get for nan NFL title game.

Representatives from agencies including Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection and nan Transportation Security Administration — accompanied by a bomb-sniffing beagle named Ozzie — briefed nan media astatine Harry Reid International Airport astir their plans to antagonistic specified forbidden activity.

The officials displayed a array piled precocious pinch knockoff sports memorabilia including jerseys, T-shirts, caps, beanies and a sparkling metallic replica of nan Vince Lombardi Super Bowl trophy.

“The merchandise you spot connected show coming is thing compared to nan millions of clone equipment that criminals will effort to waste online, connected nan thoroughfare and done different unauthorized sources,” said Cheryl Davies, lead Super Bowl section coordinator for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. “Our connection is clear: Don’t bargain this stuff.”

“We person collectively surged resources successful nan months starring up to nan Super Bowl to place and target individuals illegally importing counterfeit equipment into nan United States,” said Christopher Miller, Homeland Security Investigations supplier successful complaint successful Las Vegas.

Investigators seized astir $1 cardinal worthy of counterfeit merchandise from 4 locations conscionable during nan past weekend, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said aft nan briefing. He declined to supply details, saying investigations were continuing.

The aerial astir Allegiant Stadium adjacent Sunday has been designated by nan Federal Aviation Administration arsenic a “no drone zone.” Takeover signals and jammers will beryllium utilized if necessary, said Karen Burke, TSA Nevada information director.

Commercial aerial operations astatine adjacent Harry Reid Airport are not expected to beryllium affected. But Davies said customs agency Blackhawk and A-star helicopters will beryllium aloft to protect airspace and enforce no-fly zones.

Ralph Lepore, an airdrome administrator pinch nan Clark County Department of Aviation, focused connected efforts to stem quality trafficking, which he said was neither caller nor exclusive to large events.

“We’re reminding each our employees, partners and guests to beryllium alert and enactment if they spot thing suspicious,” he said. “It’s highly important.”

Burke noted that TSA officers were trained to spot quality trafficking and that other agents will beryllium added to grip grounds post-game crowds expected to apical much than 100,000 passengers a time early adjacent week astatine Harry Reid airport. She promised that each lane of each airdrome information checkpoint will beryllium unfastened nonstop for 48 hours aft nan Super Bowl ends.

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