Here Are the Top 10 Must-Attend Sessions at Money20/20 Asia 2024

Trending 4 months ago

As nan fintech scenery continues to germinate rapidly, Money20/20 Asia 2024, held successful Bangkok from 23 to 25 April, stands retired arsenic a pivotal arena for manufacture professionals.

This year’s convention promises a wealthiness of knowledge pinch complete 50 hours of discussions, interactive sessions, and real-world lawsuit studies focused connected Asian fintech invention and growth.

With a lineup of complete 120 speakers from prestigious organizations specified arsenic J.P. Morgan, Kasikorn-Line, IBM, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Google Cloud, attendees astatine Money20/20 Asia are successful for an insightful experience.

#1 Bank of Thailand: Transforming Asian Fintech pinch Open Finance and Collaboration

Money20/20 Asia

Money20/20 Asia will footwear disconnected pinch a notable keynote position by Daranee Saeju, Assistant Governor astatine nan Bank of Thailand, nan attraction will beryllium connected nan bank’s innovative efforts successful integer finance.

The convention will shed ray connected nan regulator’s thrust towards innovation, transparency, and collaboration, highlighting initiatives for illustration mBridge for cross-border CBDC payments and nan successful real-time payments betwixt PromptPay successful Thailand and PayNow successful Singapore.

Through this costs linkage launched successful December 2023, individuals tin salary for equipment and services by scanning nan Hong Kong FPS QR codification aliases nan Thai PromptPay QR Code astatine participating merchants.

The Assistant Governor will besides stock specifications connected nan caller motorboat of PromptBiz which intends to facilitate integer waste and acquisition and payments for businesses.

#2 Unmasking Fintech’s Hidden Enemy: AI vs. Digital Fraud

Money20/20 Asia

Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning astatine regtech patient Sumsub, will delve into nan expanding threat of integer fraud successful nan fintech space.

Singapore witnessed a staggering 33% rise successful deepfakes successful Q2 2023, highlighting a world escalation of this threat.

This Pecha Kucha convention intends to uncover really AI devices tin thief combat blase fraud strategies beyond first customer onboarding, emphasising nan value of ongoing vigilance successful nan conflict against fraud.

#3 Programmable Money: Advancing Financial Inclusion aliases Creating Walled Gardens, Powered by J.P. Morgan

Money20/20 Asia

In a compelling fireside chat, Akshika Gupta, Global Head of Client Solutions astatine J.P. Morgan Coin Systems, and Zachary Anderson Pettet, Content Director for nan USA astatine Money20/20, will prosecute successful a heavy dive into nan burgeoning realm of programmable money.

As we modulation into nan integer era of money movement, programmable money emerges arsenic a transformative unit successful nan financial industry, particularly wrong emerging economies.

However, this invention is not without its challenges and opportunities. The chat will screen cardinal aspects specified arsenic nan effect connected cross-border payments, liquidity backing needs, and nan broader implications for financial inclusion and nan world activity of money.

This convention is an opportunity to summation valuable insights into nan early of money and understand nan strategical considerations down nan take of blockchain and programmable currencies successful driving maturation and invention successful nan financial sector.

#4 BaaS to nan Future: How Banking-as-a-Service Is Shaping nan Future of Finance

A sheet featuring Kelvin Tan, CEO of audax; Aman Narain, Head of Global Platforms astatine HSBC; Jeff Tijssen, Expert Partner and Global Head of Fintech astatine Bain & Company; and Alan Lin, APAC Head of Payments & Commerce Solutions astatine J.P. Morgan Payments, will talk nan effect of Banking-as-a-Service connected nan finance industry.

audax, a spin-off from SC Ventures—the innovation, fintech investment, and ventures limb of Standard Chartered—offers integer banking and Banking-as-a-Service solutions. It has collaborated pinch nan likes of Thought Machine, a cloud-native banking exertion company, to heighten its offerings.

Similarly, HSBC has collaborated pinch Oracle NetSuite, enabling customers to creation and connection business banking services connected their platforms.

Enriched by nan applicable insights of its panelists, this convention will research really this exemplary is transforming merchandise manufacturing and distribution, highlighting nan 7 trillion-dollar opportunity it presents.

#5 Embedded Finance – The Revolution taking complete Asia Pacific

Rob Schimek, Group Chief Executive Officer of bolttech, will participate successful a sheet to talk nan ongoing Embedded Finance Revolution successful nan Asia Pacific.

Being billed arsenic 1 of nan starring embedded security providers, bolttech’s B2B2C exemplary connects 700 distribution partners pinch much than 230 security providers and offers successful excess of 6,000 merchandise variations.

Given nan US$246 cardinal Series B backing round that bolttech had raised past year, it’s safe to opportunity that embedded finance is still booming.

This convention will screen nan technological, regulatory, and industry-specific aspects of embedded finance, providing insights into its integration into regular experiences.

#6 Digital-Only Banks and Financial Inclusion: The Secret Sauce for a Successful Business Model

Simon Beitz, Founder and CEO of Alex Bank, will subordinate a sheet to analyse really digital-only banks are contributing to financial inclusion successful nan APAC region.

In nan APAC region alone, location are 11 profitable integer banks retired of 13, marking this arsenic a thriving space.

These banks are flourishing amidst existing ecosystems, a customer guidelines inclined towards integer adoption, and business models tailored to nan unsocial demands of their markets.

This sheet unpacks why immoderate regions hesitate aliases moreover defy embracing this game-changer for financial inclusion.

Join manufacture leaders from pioneering APAC banks and tech giants arsenic they dissect nan occurrence formula, research nan symbiosis betwixt integer banking and inclusivity, and unlock nan secrets down APAC’s reign.

The convention promises to person attendees locomotion distant pinch nan look for success, arsenic it unravels location factors while examining nan early for nan underbanked.

#7 CBDCs – The New Frontier of Money?

A sheet including Bénédicte Nolens, Head of Hong Kong Centre astatine BIS Innovation Hub; Julia Demidova, Head of CBDC & Digital Currencies Product and Strategy astatine FIS Global; Makoto Takemiya, Co-Founder & Group CEO of Soramitsu Holdings Ag; and Deborah Tan-Pink, SVP of Marketing and Communications astatine Sygnum, will delve into nan improvement and implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

This convention will not only research nan challenges, opportunities, and early imaginable of CBDCs successful transforming money activity but besides intends to demystify nan hype surrounding cryptocurrencies. The panelists will supply actionable strategies to navigate nan ever-evolving fintech landscape, emphasizing nan important domiciled CBDCs are expected to play successful nan adjacent future.

Backed by groundbreaking investigation from FIS Global, which predicts that CBDCs will relationship for 20% of full costs values by 2030, this chat will item nan breathtaking challenges and opportunities this caller frontier presents.

Attendees will summation unparalleled insights into nan latest milestones and learnings from CBDC projects crossed Asia. The convention will uncover imaginable winning designs and usage cases, enabling participants to envision nan transformative early of money activity pinch CBDCs.

#8 A Path to Sustainable Profitability: From E-Wallet to Digital Bank

Sheyantha Abeykoon, Group CEO of Boost, will coming a convention focusing connected nan e-wallet’s modulation to a integer bank, discussing strategies for achieving sustainable profitability successful nan fintech sector.

Boost and its consortium partner, RHB Banking Group, person received charismatic support from nan Malaysian cardinal slope and nan Ministry of Finance to commence operations arsenic a integer bank this year. The recently established Boost Bank is group to move into an alpha-testing shape earlier its nationalist launch.

This convention promises to connection valuable insights into nan travel from a integer costs solution to a full-fledged banking entity, highlighting nan innovative approaches to overcoming challenges and capitalizing connected opportunities wrong nan integer banking landscape.

#9 Inclusive Digital Financial Infrastructure: Unlocking nan Grassroots Economy

Money20/20 Asia

Lito Villanueva, Executive Vice President & Chief Innovations & Inclusion Officer astatine Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), and Andi Taufan Garuda Putra, Founder & CEO of Amartha, will talk nan domiciled of integer financial infrastructure successful promoting inclusivity and unlocking economical imaginable astatine nan grassroots level.

This insightful convention is poised to research really innovative integer solutions tin span nan spread betwixt financial services and underserved communities, thereby fostering a much inclusive economical landscape.

#10 Navigating Capital Outflows: Are VCs Still Relevant?

Pranav Sharma, Founding Partner of Woodstock Fund, on pinch Sheryl Chen, Content Head for Asia astatine Money20/20, will research nan evolving domiciled of Venture Capitalists successful nan existent financial landscape, assessing their effect connected invention and stableness successful nan look of economical uncertainties.

This convention explores nan enduring relevance of Venture Capitalists (VCs) arsenic beacons for invention successful nan unpredictable realm of superior outflows.

Attendees will summation captious insights and strategical devices for startups and investors seeking stableness successful nan ever-changing environment.

This convention intends to supply a broad study of really Venture Capitalists proceed to power nan trajectory of startups and established companies alike, amidst fluctuating marketplace conditions.

These topics correspond conscionable a glimpse of nan broad schedule astatine Money20/20 Asia 2024, promising attendees not only a heavy dive into nan existent authorities of fintech but besides a look up astatine nan trends shaping nan early of finance successful nan region.

Find retired much astir nan Money20/20 Asia arena here. Fintech News Network readers are entitled to a typical discount of US$300 disconnected nan summons prices pinch nan promo codification ‘FNN300’. Register here.

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The station Here Are nan Top 10 Must-Attend Sessions astatine Money20/20 Asia 2024 appeared first connected Fintech Singapore.

Source Fintech