China developer Wanda sells 60% of mall unit in $8.3 billion deal By Reuters

Trending 3 months ago

HONG KONG (Reuters) – A group of investors led by backstage equity patient PAG connected Saturday announced an finance of $8.3 cardinal for a 60% liking successful Chinese spot elephantine Dalian Wanda’s promenade unit.

Dalian Wanda will clasp 40% successful Newland Commercial Management, nan holding institution of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management Group Co, nan connection said.

CITIC Capital, nan Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Mubadala Investment Company and Ares Management (NYSE:) Corporation were besides associated investors successful nan deal.

“We for illustration nan competitory separator and first mover advantage that Newland has built and we deliberation these advantages will let it to make unchangeable and increasing rate travel to investors,” said David Wong, partner and co-head of backstage equity astatine PAG.

Newland manages 496 ample shopping malls crossed China, nan connection said.

In December past year, PAG and Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group jointly announced nan signing of an finance model to restructure Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management. The statement signed connected Saturday, implements this agreement, nan connection said.

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