Easy Way to Create WhatsApp Links for Your Business (Free!)

Created at 31 July, 2024Tutorial • 832 view • 2 Minutes read

Make your WhatsApp link more attractive and professional with the free WA link generator from Dolink.id. Just enter your cellphone number, create an automatic message, and share your custom WA link anywhere.

Have you ever wanted to share your WhatsApp number more conveniently? Or have customers directly message you with a specific text when they open your WhatsApp link? Now, there's an easy and free way to do it!

What is a WhatsApp Link Generator?

A WhatsApp link generator is an online tool that allows you to create a custom link to your WhatsApp number. You can share this link on social media, websites, or other online platforms. When someone clicks on the link, they are taken directly to your WhatsApp chat, without needing to save your number first.

Why Use Dolink.id's WhatsApp Link Generator?

Dolink.id is one of the best WhatsApp link generators, offering several attractive features:

  • Free: You can use all Dolink.id features without any cost.
  • User-Friendly: Dolink.id has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for even beginners to use.
  • Custom Message: You can create an automatic message that appears when someone opens your WhatsApp link.
  • Complete Statistics: Dolink.id provides detailed statistics about your WhatsApp link's performance, such as click counts and conversions.
  • Unlimited Links: You can create as many WhatsApp links as you want.

How to Create a WhatsApp Link with Dolink.id

  1. Visit Dolink.id: Open Dolink.id on your browser.
  2. Access the Online Tools Menu: Look for the WhatsApp link generator tool.
  3. Enter Your WhatsApp Number: Input your WhatsApp number in the international format (e.g., 628123456789).
  4. Create an Automatic Message (Optional): If you like, you can set up an automatic message that will appear when someone opens your WhatsApp link.
  5. Click "Create Link": After entering all the information, click the "Create Link" button.
  6. Copy and Share Your Link: Your custom WhatsApp link is now ready! Copy the link and share it wherever you like.

Benefits of Using a Custom WhatsApp Link

  • Enhance Professionalism: A custom WhatsApp link looks more professional than just sharing a regular phone number.
  • Simplify Communication: Customers can contact you directly without needing to save your number first.
  • Increase Conversions: An automatic message can help boost your sales or service conversions.
  • Track Performance: Detailed statistics from Dolink.id help you monitor your WhatsApp link's performance.

Who Can Use a Custom WhatsApp Link?

  • Online Business Owners: To make it easier for customers to contact them.
  • Website Owners: To provide a quick contact option for website visitors.
  • Influencers: To interact with their followers.
  • Anyone: Anyone who wants to share their WhatsApp number more conveniently!

Tips for Using a Custom WhatsApp Link

  • Create an Engaging Automatic Message: Write an automatic message that grabs attention and encourages people to reach out to you.
  • Share Your WhatsApp Link in the Right Places: Post your WhatsApp link on social media, your website, or other online platforms relevant to your target audience.
  • Monitor Your Statistics Regularly: Keep an eye on your WhatsApp link's performance statistics and optimize if needed.

The Dolink.id WhatsApp link generator is a highly useful tool for simplifying communication and enhancing professionalism. With Dolink.id, you can create a custom WhatsApp link easily and for free. So, what are you waiting for? Try Dolink.id now and experience the benefits!

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