Binance Debuts New Perfume in Bizarre Move to Attract Women to Crypto

Trending 4 months ago

Global crypto speech Binance has decided that nan concealed to getting much women into cryptocurrency isn’t conscionable financial literacy—it’s perfume.

Binance has unveiled nan “CRYPTO” luxury perfume up of International Women’s Day successful an eyebrow-raising move orchestrated by nan company’s very ain female trading leaders.

Described arsenic “bold, distinctive, and deliberately disruptive”, nan scent has nan eager purpose to “challenge nan norm and defy existing perceptions astir crypto”.

This includes mounting up a perfume guidelines successful a shopping promenade and offering a beginner’s crypto people connected Binance Academy pinch US$25 USDT token vouchers for nan first 5,000 women who complete it.

In summation to its unsocial fragrance campaign, Binance is celebrating International Women’s Day done a bid of section meetups and societal media and user-generated contented initiatives.

These initiatives purpose to spark productive conversations astir nan increasing power of women successful nan cryptocurrency industry. They besides activity to raise consciousness of really cryptocurrency tin empower women financially, crossed their careers, and successful different aspects of their lives.

Rachel Conlan

Rachel Conlan

Rachel Conlan, Chief Marketing Officer astatine Binance said,

“Drawing from my ain acquisition of moving successful nan crypto industry, I’ve seen firsthand nan invaluable contributions of nan women who dared to measurement into this realm.

We’re present to show women everywhere: Don’t beryllium a bystander. Break those solid ceilings, situation existing narratives and go portion of this integer translator that’s group to redefine world finance.”

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