7 Best Senior Dating Sites to Find Love

Trending 3 months ago

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Finding a romanticist partner online tin beryllium intimidating for seniors. However, location are galore online making love websites dedicated to older adults. Joining 1 of nan best making love apps for seniors tin beryllium a awesome measurement to find compatible matches and person a safe and affirmative online making love experience.

Here are nan champion elder making love sites, and a breakdown of what makes them guidelines out.

Our Top Picks for nan 10 Best Senior Dating Websites

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Best Senior Dating Sites Reviews

This tract does not see each companies aliases each disposable offers. The companies beneath are listed successful alphabetical order.


  • Detailed matching system
  • Free action available
  • Large making love pool
  • User-friendly platform


  • Photos are blurred for free users
  • More costly than nan mean making love site

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Starts astatine $35.90 per month


Why we chose it: Launched successful 2000, eHarmony boasts a unsocial algorithmic matching strategy and a elaborate personification questionnaire. Upon signing up, you capable retired eHarmony’s in-depth Compatibility Quiz, which consists of 80 questions astir your personality, connection style, interests and more. Your answers thief found your Personality Profile, which nan level uses to lucifer you pinch different singles.

eHarmony’s website and app person filters you tin usage to find nan type of group you’re looking for. For example, you tin select by age, location aliases circumstantial traits. The free rank scheme lets you create a floor plan and hunt for matches.

Paid plans commencement astatine astir $36 — which is higher than different sites connected our database — and springiness members entree to unlimited messaging and a big of different features, specified arsenic dedicated customer support, nan expertise to spot each members’ photos and more.


  • Thorough matching process
  • International personification base


  • Not specifically geared to seniors
  • Free accounts person constricted capabilities

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Starts astatine $19.95 per month


Why we chose it: EliteSingles is simply a Berlin-based making love website that was launched successful 2008. Despite its German origins, it has a sizable personification guidelines and is disposable successful 25 countries, including nan U.S. It offers some a website and a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

With EliteSingles, you tin entree a scope of compatibility features to thief find a partner. There’s a monthly interest for a premium membership, which varies by location and magnitude of nan subscription. The free basal rank allows users to create a profile, hunt for imaginable matches and person messages. Free members can’t, however, position photos and they don’t person unlimited messaging.

EliteSingles isn’t specifically designed for older users, but it’s a bully action for anyone looking for a serious, semipermanent relationship, including pinch personification based successful different country.


  • Free members tin pass via messages to recommended matches
  • Many pricing tiers to take from
  • One of nan astir celebrated making love platforms


  • Free members cannot connection anyone extracurricular of recommended matches
  • Free members will spot visible ads connected nan page

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Start astatine $22 per month


Why we chose it: Match was launched successful 1995 and is 1 of nan longest-running making love websites successful existence. Some features are free, but paid plans commencement astatine $22 per month. Match offers a batch of different paid options, much than different making love sites offer.

This work isn’t geared specifically to seniors, but it does person galore users complete nan property of 50 and a dedicated “senior dating” conception connected its website. New users are asked to specify their property scope penchant erstwhile they motion up.


  • Platform is geared toward adults complete 50 years old
  • Website allows for section searches without a paid subscription
  • Many paid tiers to take from, including play memberships
  • Large excavation of users


  • Free proceedings doesn’t let users to nonstop messages
  • Limited floor plan verification

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Starts astatine $13 per month


Why we chose it: OurTime is an online making love website designed for elder singles complete nan property of 50 who are looking for relationships. Its personification interface is tailored to meet nan needs of an older personification base. And nan algorithm that connects imaginable matches considers things for illustration age, location and interests to thief users find compatible partners.

OurTime besides has a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, which gives users nan aforesaid functionality arsenic nan website, specified arsenic creating a profile, searching for imaginable matches and sending messages.

One point worthy noting: The tract has constricted floor plan verification capabilities, truthful you'll want to verify connected your ain that a personification is who they opportunity they are earlier gathering successful person.


  • Member blogs are a unsocial measurement to get to cognize someone
  • Good free relationship offerings
  • Dedicated to adults complete 40 years old


  • Need paid rank to nonstop messages
  • Free members only person entree to basal hunt filters

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Starts astatine $15.99 per month


Why we chose it: SeniorMatch is simply a making love website and app designed for singles complete nan property of 40 willing successful a superior relationship. It has a standout free type pinch nan action to salary for a rank pinch much features.

Free members tin create a profile, browse and “like” different profiles, nonstop and person “winks” to and from group they’re willing successful and reply to messages from premium users. We recovered that SeniorMatch’s free action has much features than galore different free making love websites.

Paid members person entree to messaging, precocious hunt filters and different premium features. SeniorMatch besides has respective unsocial aspects, for illustration a personnel blog and a conception dedicated to “senior day ideas.”


  • Uses a characteristic trial to find matches
  • Multiple information features
  • Exclusively for users complete 50 years old
  • User-friendly platform


  • Free rank has constricted features
  • Limited hunt features

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Starts astatine $24.95 per month


Why we chose it: SilverSingles is an online making love tract and app created specifically for singles complete 50 years aged looking for meaningful connections. It is portion of nan Spark Networks group of making love websites, which includes different celebrated sites for illustration EliteSingles, Zoosk, Christian Mingle, JDate and more.

SilverSingles uses a characteristic trial to lucifer users based connected their values, interests and lifestyle. The trial besides takes into relationship things for illustration narration preferences, what users are "looking for" and connection styles. Then, an algorithm uses this accusation to create a making love floor plan and propose compatible matches. Users are not capable to hunt for different imaginable matches connected their own.

The level besides provides a scope of information features, for illustration floor plan moderation, scammer discovery and customer support. Premium accounts commencement astatine $25 per month. A free rank tier is available, but it offers constricted connection options pinch imaginable partners.


  • Has a dedicated "senior" section
  • Facebook integration feature
  • Easy to use


  • Free members can't chat pinch different users
  • Only premium members get personalized matches

Mobile App

Subscription cost



Starts astatine $29.95/mo


Why we chose it: Zoosk is an online making love website and app that offers Facebook integration — a characteristic astir of its competitors don’t have.

It has complete 40 cardinal users successful 80 countries worldwide and offers some free and paid rank options. Free members tin create a profile, hunt for matches and nonstop site-specific interactions called "winks" to different members, but they can't nonstop aliases person messages. Paid members person entree to further features for illustration Zoosk’s “SmartPick” feature, an algorithm that provides personalized lucifer suggestions based connected their profile.

Free members tin create a profile, hunt for matches and nonstop site-specific interactions called "winks" to different members, but they can't nonstop aliases person messages. Paid members person entree to further features for illustration Zoosk’s “SmartPick” feature, an algorithm that provides personalized lucifer suggestions based connected their profile.

Zoosk is designed for group of each ages, but it does person a circumstantial “Senior Dating” conception connected its website. Here, users tin group circumstantial preferences for property range, location and narration goals.

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Other Senior Dating Sites We Considered

Here are a fewer different elder making love websites that whitethorn beryllium worthy considering.

Senior Chat City


  • Live one-on-one chats and chat rooms
  • Free basal membership

Senior Chat City is simply a unrecorded chat level pinch capable information protections and a free basal rank tier. The downside? There’s nary mobile app.

Senior Dating Agency


  • No impervious of personality requirement
  • No mobile app

Senior Dating Agency is simply a well-established tract that is free to join, but we chose not to characteristic it for a fewer reasons. The tract doesn’t require immoderate impervious of personality verification and location is nary mobile app.

Senior Dating Websites Guide

Here’s immoderate much accusation to thief navigate nan world of online making love arsenic a senior.

What to cognize earlier choosing a elder making love site

Like astir large life decisions, picking nan correct making love work involves doing nan due investigation earlier you dive in.

Safety and information are vital, truthful supra all, beryllium judge nan tract you’re considering has a verification process to corroborate a personification is who they opportunity they are.

The remainder mostly comes down to individual preference. Try retired a fewer different services (this is wherever those free tests travel successful handy) to fig retired which 1 champion fits your needs.

What is nan mean subscription costs of elder making love websites?

Requirements disagree from tract to site, but immoderate of nan astir communal are:

The mean costs depends connected aggregate factors. Many of nan websites listed present connection gradual subscriptions that springiness you a discount for a pre-paid magnitude of commitment. Oftentimes, a month-to-month scheme averages retired to nan highest disbursal if you support it for a twelvemonth aliases longer, and an yearly prepaid scheme is nan astir cost-effective option.

What are nan requirements to unfastened an relationship connected elder making love websites?

Requirement disagree from tract to site, but immoderate of nan astir communal are:

  • Age: Some websites require you to beryllium complete a definite property to qualify.
  • Personal information: Legitimate making love websites will inquire you to supply basal individual accusation for illustration name, location, gender and email address.
  • Profile information: You’ll besides beryllium asked to create a profile, and capable it pinch facts astir yourself — for illustration your interests, hobbies and immoderate other makes you unique. Most sites will besides inquire you to upload astatine slightest 1 image of yourself to your profile.
  • Subscription fee: Many elder making love sites are free to browse, but you usually person to salary to nonstop messages and spot different users’ photos.

How to debar scams erstwhile elder dating

Scams and fraud are inherent risks of online dating. Scammers tin create clone profiles and effort to manipulate unsuspecting users into sending them money aliases individual information.

Always beryllium cautious of anyone who messages you to petition money, moreover if you’ve already chatted pinch them online. And never, nether immoderate circumstances, springiness your societal information number, slope relationship accusation aliases passwords to anyone. A scammer could usage that accusation to bargain money, make fraudulent charges, unfastened accounts successful your name, steal your identity and more. (Hot tip: If you person an relationship pinch 1 of nan best banks for seniors, make it a wont of viewing your relationship activity regularly to support an oculus retired for issues.)

Another point you must do to debar scams is to verify nan personality of nan personification you’re talking to online preferably done video chat. If they refuse, they whitethorn beryllium a scammer.

How to enactment safe pinch online dating

Always retrieve that your information is nan number 1 priority. If you person immoderate suspicion astir a personification you’ve been talking to online, don’t meet pinch them successful person. However, if you’ve verified a person’s personality and want to spell connected a date, ever meet successful a nationalist spot and show your family aliases friends wherever you are going and when.

Additionally, RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) — nan non-profit statement that operates nan National Sexual Assault Hotline — suggests taking your ain proscription to nan day alternatively than getting successful nan car pinch personification you don’t know. This gives you nan action to time off nan day connected your ain if you consciousness uncomfortable aliases unsafe.

Senior making love websites FAQs

Is it vulnerable to usage elder making love websites?



Using elder making love websites tin beryllium safe, arsenic agelong arsenic you return due precautions. Once you've signed up, beryllium safe erstwhile interacting pinch imaginable dates. Don't stock individual accusation pinch personification until you've verified their identity. If it's your first date, meet successful a nationalist place, show a loved 1 wherever you're going, and person them cheque successful connected you astatine regular intervals.

Are making love websites and apps meant only for young adults?



It's ne'er excessively precocious to look for love, and studies person shown that making love is really beneficial for your intelligence health. Senior making love websites do person eligibility requirements, but nary of those headdress nan property limit. You're acold much apt to find a website that limits really young a personification tin be, since astir elder making love sites require group to beryllium astatine slightest 50 years old.

What is nan safest elder making love website?



Any elder making love website tin beryllium vulnerable if you don't return information measures erstwhile interacting pinch different users. In immoderate cases, paid websites person amended information measures and a stronger action process, but beryllium judge to vet nan tract and publication reviews from others who person tried it retired earlier paying for anything.

How We Found nan Best Senior Dating Websites

Several factors were considered for nan creation of this list, including:

  • User base: A successful making love website will person a ample guidelines of users, allowing for plentifulness of imaginable lucifer options.
  • Security: Online making love tin beryllium vulnerable if nan website facilitating it lacks verification features, aliases if nan tract doesn’t let group to artifact and study abusive users.
  • Matching algorithm: Some sites let users to hunt individually for their matches, but astir trust connected an algorithm. The complexity of nan algorithm is crucial.
  • User interface: The functionality and user-friendliness of a making love site’s browser and app products are important. Interfaces should not beryllium truthful simplistic that they go limiting, but they besides shouldn’t beryllium overly complicated.

Summary of nan 7 Best Senior Dating Websites

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